Solar Power Energy

Ohio Farmers Lose Out on Solar Power Energy – You Don’t Have To

A major solar developer has canceled plans for a 400MW solar power energy array in rural Ohio, following pushback from some locals and a group of lobbyists.

The planned solar farm would have been one of the biggest in the country. It’s the second-biggest solar power energy project to ever be canceled in America. Some local farmers are unhappy. Supporters were looking forward to $3.6 million in tax revenue that would have gone to local schools and community projects.

It’s disappointing news for the wider solar power energy industry. Luckily, if you want solar power on Long Island, the decision will be entirely yours to make.

The Advantages of Solar Power on Long Island

If you’re looking for a way to power your home and save money, solar power on Long Island is a great option. Here are some of the most impressive benefits of getting a Long Island solar installation:

  • Clean Energy: Solar power on Long Island is clean and efficient. It doesn’t require fossil fuels or natural resources like other forms of energy do. Instead, it harnesses the sun’s energy through photovoltaic cells, which create electricity that can be used by homes and businesses.
  • Energy Independence: When you use solar power on Long Island, you don’t have to rely on a utility company or other outside source for your daytime energy needs. You can provide for yourself and your family without depending on a faceless corporation. You can even add a solar battery for bigger savings and protection from outages.
  • Low Maintenance Costs: With solar power, there aren’t any costly upkeep costs like those associated with fossil fuels or traditional power sources like coal or natural gas plants. Solar panels only need infrequent cleaning and are designed to last for decades. With Long Island Power Solutions, you’ll enjoy a 25-Year Warranty on solar panels.
  • No Emissions: Solar panels rely on a contained chemical process to convert sunlight into electricity, so they don’t release any harmful chemicals into the air when they’re functioning. They’re also more reliable than typical electric grids because they’re not as sensitive to external factors that might affect their efficiency level over time.

If you’re interested in Long Island Solar, please call us. We will walk you through the whole process of how to become energy independent!

Invest in Your Home with a Long Island Solar Installation

Home improvements are one of the best ways to increase the value of your home, and you don’t have to spend a fortune to do it.

A Long Island solar installation is an amazing home improvement that will continue to return value over time. With solar panels expected to last for 25 – 30 years, you’ll enjoy a longer return on investment when compared to most home improvements.

You can combine a Long Island solar installation with other improvements around your home. Investing in energy-efficient appliances and fixtures can save you money on energy bills every month. And if you want to go even further than just investing in energy-efficient fixtures and appliances, then consider adding insulation around windows and doors so that heat does not escape from inside during cold winter months (and vice versa for warm summer months).

You won’t have to assume the practical and financial benefits of converting your home to solar power energy. Long Island Power Solutions will provide a detailed cost/benefit analysis and an energy savings evaluation.

Get Your Estimate for Reliable Solar from Long Island Power Solutions

Not everyone sees the benefits of solar. And, in some cases when considering large-scale developments, solar might not always be the best choice. This can be seen in the recent news from Ohio. But for your home on Long Island, there’s a good chance that solar will create impressive savings with a long return on investment. We’re here to help you make the right decision, based on real data.

Get a free online estimate for solar power, and the team at Long Island Power Solutions will take care of the details. Solar power energy is the cleanest and most affordable way to power your home. Make a decision that can continue to benefit you and your family in the long term.

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