How Long Will Your Solar Panels Last

Canals Could Play a Big Role in Solar Power Energy

Canals are key to agriculture throughout many areas of the United States. In New York State, it has been predicted that yearly rainfall could decrease as much as 20% by 2050, thanks to climate change. The State estimates that almost doubling the use of canal water for irrigation could increase agricultural revenues by more than $25 million annually. Canals aren’t quite as necessary in New York as they are in some other States, but they could still play a role in the future. Canals could even be used to generate solar power energy.

The technology for canal-based solar power energy has been tested and proven in California and internationally. Read on to learn why it matters.

More Solar Wanted for Canals

PBS News Hour ran a milestone story this week, bringing the importance of solar canals to the mainstream. California recognized the need for Solar Canals almost a decade ago, but the State has only recently started to develop them. It took time to get investors, farmers, and municipalities on board.

In the PBS story, it was noted that California’s example could inspire changes in other key agricultural areas. The Colorado River was pointed out as a waterway that would benefit from solar power energy.

How does solar work when it’s on top of a canal or river? It’s quite simple…

  • Solar panels are installed on custom flotation devices.
  • The array covers the surface of the water in a canal or river.
  • Panels generate energy while protecting the water.

California has a water problem. The severity of droughts has increased over time. Solar arrays on agricultural canals can prevent evaporation while also inhibiting the growth of algae. This protects the water while ensuring that it’s available when rainfall is low.

With New York State expected to see a decrease in rainfall, solar canals could become viable or even necessary in the coming years. Farmers that use irrigation could also consider solar installed over open canals for practical reasons. Placing the panels on or above the water could simply be a more efficient way to make use of space, instead of using rooftops or valuable land.

If you’re interested in Long Island Solar, please call us. We will walk you through the whole process of how to become energy independent!

Solar is Becoming Dominant in the Energy Sector

Solar canals are yet another example of how solar is becoming critically important for the energy sector. According to the Department of Energy, solar generates around 3% of the nation’s total capacity today. That figure is expected to skyrocket, with solar generating up to 40% of total capacity by 2035.

Some of the strongest growth has been in the residential market. You’ve maybe even noticed this with the increased presence of solar power on Long Island. Homeowners have been attracted to lower costs, generous solar tax credits and incentives, and excellent savings.

Solar power on Long Island generates savings by reducing the amount of electricity that a home needs to take from the grid. In your case, a Long Island solar installation could mean that you cover a significant portion of your daily energy consumption from solar panels. This will reduce your utility bill. The savings over time can be significant. Most families will see savings equal to the cost of installation within the first 8 – 10 years. After this, all of the savings are considered a return on investment.

Solar panels last an average of 25 – 30 years, so there’s a lot of time to see those savings.

Talk to the Solar Specialists at Long Island Power Solutions

Solar power energy canals could play a big role in agriculture in the coming years. Likewise, solar panels could play a huge role in making your home more affordable, efficient, and sustainable. Get your free solar estimate from Long Island Power Solutions. We can get started on your energy savings evaluation, and ensure that you get the most efficient solution for your home.

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